The Effect of Social Darwinism on East Asia Physical Education Thoughts 사회진화론이 동아시아 체육사상사에 미친 영향
54(1) 1-10, 2015
The Effect of Social Darwinism on East Asia Physical Education Thoughts 사회진화론이 동아시아 체육사상사에 미친 영향
This study examined in detail Spencer’s Social Darwinism inherent in sports through literature review and then explored what effect the thought had on Korean history of physical education thoughts after being introduced via Japan and China. The thought of Spencer’s Social Darwinism turned from individualism into collectivism in the late 19th century, and such collectivism spread all across the world through sports, creating the same beliefs and attitudes between imperialist nations and colonies. This Western thought was introduced in East Asia as well. In Japan, intellectuals who led the Meiji Restoration accepted Social Darwinism as the totalitarian thought that urged the Japanese to strengthen their bodies to repay the nation for its kindness as the survival of the fittest or the law of the jungle prevailed. In China, Liang Qichao gave a new interpretation to Social Darwinism, which had emphasized only the rights of the strong, arguing that the weak could become strong if they adjusted to the environment and putting emphasis on self-strengthening movement and the militaristic spirit. This thought by Liang Qichao, combined with Spencer’s education thoughts, led physical education to embrace nationalism in Joseon in the time of enlightenment. The thought of nationalism was used as a means of encouraging physical education, promoting the establishment of physical education clubs in the time of enlightenment.
Key Words
Spencer, Social Darwinism, Meiji Restoration, Liang Qichao
The Study on the Songs of Sports Festivals in the Late Choseon Dynasty 구한말 운동회 노래에 관한 연구
윤상호SangHoYoun , 박상석SangSeokPark
54(1) 11-24, 2015
The Study on the Songs of Sports Festivals in the Late Choseon Dynasty 구한말 운동회 노래에 관한 연구
윤상호SangHoYoun , 박상석SangSeokPark
The study was designed to investigate Undongga(運動歌), national anthem, Changga(唱歌) and other type of songs found in the Late Choseon Dynasty. The findings of this study are mainly based on rule book, newspapers, magazines, diaries, chronicles and reports, which lead to the results as follows. When it comes to Undongga, it was usually sung in the first or the second order of the Sports Festivals procedure. Other types of sports-related songs such as Undonggok(運動曲), UndongChangga(運動唱歌) and patriotic Undongga(愛國運動歌) appeared and the contents of these songs were similar to those of Undongga. The national anthem was sung in the various procedures of the Sports Festivals. It was mostly sung at the end of the Sports Festivals with excited and highly-elated emotions. Changga mostly was the last sequence of the Sports Festivals and it was also one of the regular events. With regard to other types of songs, a military song was sung while moving to the place which the sports festival was held. A triumph song was sung by the group who seized a chance to victory in a mock combat game. A school song was sung with three cheers. Lastly, a walking song was sung in the process of returning to the school after the Sports Festival was over.
Key Words
the Late Choseon Dynasty, the Sports Festivals, the Songs
A Study on the Busan Public Ground during Japanese Occupation 일제강점기 부산공설운동장에 관한 연구
54(1) 25-36, 2015
A Study on the Busan Public Ground during Japanese Occupation 일제강점기 부산공설운동장에 관한 연구
The Study examined the construction, opening, regulation and various matches in Busan Public Ground to understand the conditions of Busan Public Ground during Japanese occupation. As a result, the following can be concluded. The Busan Public Ground at the first ground which comes to make in Busan from domestic was the ground of top after words the Gyungseung Ground. The Busan Public Ground prepared the opportunity which brings the activation of the region modern sports to exuviate from the center where the various sports activity is preponderated during that time development of Korean modern sports did a many contribution even in development of course region modern sports, there will be a possibility of doing from point. Specially about the Busan Public Ground the study in future not only the region modern sports company is dawned at the Korean modern sports resignation whole with the fact that will provide the beginning which is baseline data.
Key Words
busan public ground, construction and opening, regulation and various matches, during japanese occupation
Inter-Korean Sports Talk for the Formation of Single South-North Team Competing in the 41st World Table Tennis Championships in Chiba(1991) 제41회 지바 세계탁구선수권대회(1991) 남북단일팀 구성을 위한 체육회담
54(1) 37-46, 2015
Inter-Korean Sports Talk for the Formation of Single South-North Team Competing in the 41st World Table Tennis Championships in Chiba(1991) 제41회 지바 세계탁구선수권대회(1991) 남북단일팀 구성을 위한 체육회담
This study examined the inter-Korean Sports talk that aimed to form the single South-North team for the 41st World Table Tennis Championships in Chiba. The formation of single South-North team for the World Table Tennis Championships in Chiba began to be negotiated through the Inter-Korean Sports Ministers’ Meeting which had been held as a part of effort to promote the Inter-Korean Unification Soccer Match in 1990. The negotiation for forming the single South-North team was conducted through 4 rounds of Inter-Korean Sports Meeting which did not make smooth progress due to the difference of opinion between the South and the North and political and military issues. The South Korean side resumed the inter-Korean talk to improve the strained South-North relations and proposed the formation of single South-North team with drastic concessions to the North Korean side. An agreement was reached on the formation of single South-North team when the North accepted the proposal of the South. Then, the South and North negotiated the details on the formation of single South-North team through the working-level talks, opening up the way for participation in the World Table Tennis Championships in Chiba with single South-North team.
Key Words
South and North Korea, sport talks, the 35th The World Table Tennis Championships
Finding Pointing Spot of Korean Sports Culture and Alternative to its Advancement 한국 스포츠문화의 지향점과 선진화 대안 찾기
54(1) 47-55, 2015
Finding Pointing Spot of Korean Sports Culture and Alternative to its Advancement 한국 스포츠문화의 지향점과 선진화 대안 찾기
This study is to examine the current situation of Korean sports culture and seek its pointing spot and alternatives to its advancement. First, out of the current situation of Korean sports culture, that of school physical education, even though it is the most significant basis for sports culture, is riddled with so many contradictions that the pace of its change is very slow. Only when the elite sport is normally operated and well coordinated, can it have the value of existence as a stable field. The mass sports have been determined to have insufficient self-reliance of sport facilities, sport programs and instructor management since the national policy for physical education has been focused on the elite sports. Second, internalization of “Winning First Policy” as a pointing spot of sports culture has been found to be an production of the value system with not only a very passive tendency caused by political changes. Accordingly, the concept of sports-culturism has been introduced as a new pointing spot of sports culture and then it has been emphasized that the sports-culturism is the awareness of sports advancement. Third, in terms of finding any alternatives to sports culture, enacting a school physical education promotion law has a very significant meaning as its advancement method. Next, the immorality of and match-fixing by sport organizations and the umpire’s bad call have been mentioned as major problems to the elite sport, and also the alternative to each field has been set. Last, it has been assented with emphasis that Law of Sports for All should be enacted for the public sports to have any significance of the times.
Key Words
sports culture, sports-culturism, physical education, sport policies
A Critical Analysis of the Commodification of Sport 스포츠의 상품화에 대한 비판적 고찰
54(1) 57-66, 2015
A Critical Analysis of the Commodification of Sport 스포츠의 상품화에 대한 비판적 고찰
The main aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical mechanism for distinguishing legitimate from illegitimate forms of commodification of sport. To achieve this goal, the paper surveys various views on the morality of commodification and how money and markets might change sport morally. This paper considers what various philosophers and social theorists have said on the issue of commodification before developing the general account of the harm of sport commodification. Then, the paper argue that it is not always wrong to commodify, but there are occasions when commodification is problematic. Thus, a genuine critique of sport commodification must endeavor to isolate those problems and in so doing thereby separate legitimate kinds of commodification from the illegitimate ones.
Key Words
sport, commodification, money, market
The Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Career Preparation Behavior with Career Barrier According to Level of Performance of Student Tennis Athletes 학생테니스선수의 운동수행수준이 성취목표성향, 진로준비행동 및 진로장애에 미치는 영향
임새미SaeMiLim , 이근모KeunMoLee
54(1) 67-81, 2015
The Relationship among Achievement Goal Orientation, Career Preparation Behavior with Career Barrier According to Level of Performance of Student Tennis Athletes 학생테니스선수의 운동수행수준이 성취목표성향, 진로준비행동 및 진로장애에 미치는 영향
임새미SaeMiLim , 이근모KeunMoLee
The purpose of this study was to discover the relationship achievement goal orientation, career preparation behavior with career barrier according to level of performance of student tennis athletes. For this study, 296 subjects from high-schools and university students were selected as research participants in 8 metropolitan cities in 2014. The data were analyzed by a frequency analysis, reliability analysis, a factorial analysis, and dummy variables regression analysis. The following results have been drawn from this study. First, level of performance of student tennis athletes were found to have a significant positive effect on achievement goal orientation(ego goal). Second, level of performance of student tennis athletes were found to have a significant positive effect on career preparation behavior(tool preparation, goal attainment). Third, level of performance of student tennis athletes were found to have a significant positive and negative effect on career barrier(personal relations, conflict with significant other, future anxiety). Therefore, level of performance of student tennis athletes have a casal relationship among achievement goal orientation, and career preparation behavior with career barrier.
Key Words
achievement goal orientation, career preparation behavior, career barrier, student tennis athletes
A Study on Differences of Career Barriers, Employment Stress, and Career Development Behavior among Collegiate athletes, Sport-majored College Students, and Non-sport-majored College Students 대학운동선수, 체육계열 대학생, 일반계열 대학생의 진로장벽, 취업스트레스, 진로준비행동의 차이
54(1) 83-95, 2015
A Study on Differences of Career Barriers, Employment Stress, and Career Development Behavior among Collegiate athletes, Sport-majored College Students, and Non-sport-majored College Students 대학운동선수, 체육계열 대학생, 일반계열 대학생의 진로장벽, 취업스트레스, 진로준비행동의 차이
The purpose of the study was to provide detailed and practical information needed for career counseling of collegiate student-athletes by analysing and comparing career barriers, employment stress, and career development behavior with sports-majored college students and non-sports-majored college students. To collect data, 300 collegiate student-athletes, 300 sport-majored college students, and 300 non-sports-majored college students were selected for a survey. After the survey was taken place, descriptive analysis and ANCOVA were utilized for data analysis. As results, we found that collegiate student-athletes are higher than other groups of college students in interaction with people, economic difficulty, controversies with close personnels, age problem, and inferiority in physical condition. We also revealed that collegiate student-athletes are higher than other groups of college students in personality stress, family circumstance stress, academic stress, and employment stress. Lastly, collegiate student-athletes are lower than other groups of college students in data collection and preparation for tools.
Key Words
Career barrier, employment stress, career development behavior, student-athlete
Comparative analysis of Online community on Sport bulletin 온라인 커뮤니티의 스포츠게시판 비교분석
김용은YongEunKim , 김범식BeomSigKim , 문보라BoRaMoon
54(1) 97-109, 2015
Comparative analysis of Online community on Sport bulletin 온라인 커뮤니티의 스포츠게시판 비교분석
김용은YongEunKim , 김범식BeomSigKim , 문보라BoRaMoon
This study compared the sport article and its comments on an online community board. Analyzed the Posts 385 Articles, Articles and Comments 5,644 Articles 427 posts, 5,609 comments were collected for a total of 812 cases and 11,253 cases of cases of post comment. Using Holsti’s reliability coefficient formula, reliability was .87, which was reasonable level, as the result of reliability measurement between corders for 10% of analysis objects. Data processing method and a frequency analysis was performed by using the obtained test results SPSS 20.0 program are as follows: First, the difference between and personality type of the content nature of posts were found to have statistically significant difference. Second, the difference between and frame type of content nature of posts were found to have statistically significant difference. Third, the difference between the emotional content of the and Comment showed that there is a statistically significant difference. Fourth, the difference between the linguistic representation of and Comment showed that there is a statistically significant difference.
Key Words
online community, sport board, ilbe, today humor, fascism, digital maoism
Understanding on the Acculturation of the Public Horse Riding Club 대중 친화형 승마클럽의 문화접변 조명
54(1) 111-126, 2015
Understanding on the Acculturation of the Public Horse Riding Club 대중 친화형 승마클럽의 문화접변 조명
This study was intended to make a factual description of the acculturation aspect of the horse riding club advocating the popularization of horse riding and to grope the orientation required to foster the desirable horse riding culture based on it. For this purpose, it conducted in-depth interview and participant observation with ethnography as the research method. The collected data were analyzed with the use of Spradley’s(1990) cultural analysis method. And the following findings were obtained as a result of its comparison with the acculturation theory: First, it was found that orientation and change towards the public-friendly horse riding club made its sound enjoyment possible along with assimilation into healthy horse riding. Second, it was found that in the course of changing into the public-friendly horse riding club the aspect of diverse conflicts resulting from acculturation coexisted such as the conflict between the operating entity and related agencies, the conflict between the operating entity and members and the conflict between members. Third, it is judged that firm self-governance, sound horse riding principle and sustained and consistent social support should be established for horse riding to position itself as popular leisure activity and for the public-friendly horse riding club to have its viability.
Key Words
horse riding, public horse riding club, acculturation, culture
The Effect of Need-Supportive Learning Climate on Basic Psychological Needs, Classroom Positive Functioning and Physical Activity in Physical Education 체육수업 내 심리적 욕구지지 학습 환경이 학생들의 심리적 욕구, 학습기능 및 신체활동에 미치는 영향
김보연BoYouKim , 송용관YongGwanSong , 천승현SungHyeonCheon
54(1) 127-145, 2015
The Effect of Need-Supportive Learning Climate on Basic Psychological Needs, Classroom Positive Functioning and Physical Activity in Physical Education 체육수업 내 심리적 욕구지지 학습 환경이 학생들의 심리적 욕구, 학습기능 및 신체활동에 미치는 영향
김보연BoYouKim , 송용관YongGwanSong , 천승현SungHyeonCheon
In physical education class, the motivational climate created by significant others (teachers and peers) can influence on the student’s motivation, engagement, enjoyment, and skill development. This study was to investigate the influences of teacher autonomy support and peer motivational climate (i.e., task-involving and ego-involving motivational climate) on basic psychological need satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, skill achievement, and future physical activity intention. Data were collected from 428 adolescent students’ of high school. The results showed that teacher autonomy support and peer-created task-involving motivational climate positively predicted the satisfaction of psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Teacher autonomy support and peer-created task-involving climate also positively predicted skill achievement, intrinsic motivation, and future intention toward physical activity. The findings demonstrated that the physical education learning climate created by the PE teacher and students play important roles for students’ motivation and its-related positive outcomes such as future physical activity and skill development.
Effects of a Player’s Recognition about a Bowling Coach’s Teaching Methods on the Devotion for Games 볼링 지도자의 지도유형에 대한 선수들의 인식이 경기몰입에 미치는 영향
이재권JaeKwonLee , 김필승PhilSeungKim
54(1) 147-161, 2015
Effects of a Player’s Recognition about a Bowling Coach’s Teaching Methods on the Devotion for Games 볼링 지도자의 지도유형에 대한 선수들의 인식이 경기몰입에 미치는 영향
이재권JaeKwonLee , 김필승PhilSeungKim
The purpose of this research paper is to figure out effects of a player’s recognition about a bowling coach’s teaching methods on the devotion for games. The survey polled 300 players of high schools, colleges and business teams who participated in ‘the 24th Presidential National Bowling Championship in 2009’. The 300 players are chosen as the members of the Korean Bowling Association in 2009 that is affiliated the Korean Amateur Athletic Association. The sampling process were used to the chosen population and the final answers were that of 279 players out of 3000 players which excepted insincere answers. The answers out of questionnaires were analyzed by SPSS 13.0 Ver, factor analysis, Cronbach’s α, t-test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s post censorship, multiple regression analysis, and stepwise regression analysis. There was differences of a coach’s teaching style and a player’s devotion depending on the player’s characteristics. according to the player’s sex, subordinate factors of the coaching methods give careful effects on each sexes. The research have found out that behaves with authority have positive effects on challenges and skills. Training and ordering behaves have negative effects on definite goals and the autotelic experiences. On the other hand, training and ordering behaves have positive effects on positive reward behaves, democratic behaves, and behaves with authority. In the result of adding the gender of the players, the male’s recognitions for games is higher than that of females.
Key Words
bowling, teaching methods, devotion for games
The Moderating Effect of Adolescents’ Physical Activity in the Relationship between their Physical Self-Efficacy and Ego-resilience 신체활동 정도가 청소년의 신체적 자기효능감과 자아탄력성에 미치는 영향
윤희철HeeChulYoon , 강현우HyunWooKang , 이지항JiHangLee
54(1) 163-171, 2015
The Moderating Effect of Adolescents’ Physical Activity in the Relationship between their Physical Self-Efficacy and Ego-resilience 신체활동 정도가 청소년의 신체적 자기효능감과 자아탄력성에 미치는 영향
윤희철HeeChulYoon , 강현우HyunWooKang , 이지항JiHangLee
The purpose of this study is to investigate the moderating effect of adolescents’ physical activity in the relationship between their physical self-efficacy and ego resiliency. To achieve the purpose, this study conducted a questionnaire survey with 491 middle and high school students going to C middle and high school located in Suwon, Gyeonggido. Among the collected questionnaire copies, 24 copies with problems were excluded. As a result, 467 copies were finally used for analysis. For data analysis, PASW 18.0 program was employed to conduct one-way MANOVA and hierarchical regression analyses. The analysis results are presented as follows: first, the group with high physical activity showed significantly higher perceived physical competence, self-confidence of physical self-expression, and ego-resilience than the group with low physical activity; secondly, adolescents’ physical activity, perceived physical competence, and self-confidence of physical self-expression significantly and positively influenced their ego-resilience, and their physical activity gave the significant moderating effect on the relationship between their self-confidence of physical self-expression and ego-resilience.
The Effect of Achievement Goal Orientation on Female Middle School Soccer Player`s Mood in Acute Overtraining 단기간의 과훈련 시 여자중학교 축구선수의 성취목표성향이 기분변화에 미치는 영향
하태호TaeHoHa , 김성운SungWoonKim
54(1) 173-186, 2015
The Effect of Achievement Goal Orientation on Female Middle School Soccer Player`s Mood in Acute Overtraining 단기간의 과훈련 시 여자중학교 축구선수의 성취목표성향이 기분변화에 미치는 영향
하태호TaeHoHa , 김성운SungWoonKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of achievement goal orientation in acute overtraining on psychological changes of female middle school soccer players by using POMS with pre-post-follow up steps respectively. Methods: Twenty-four female middle school soccer players were participated in this study. Their ages ranged from 14 to 16, with a mean age of 15.3 years, and mean experience of 4 years and 2 months. Subjects were divided into two groups. Data was analyzed using two-way ANOVAs with repeated measures of 2 groups (task orientation and ego orientation) and 3 times (pre, post, post-7 days). Dependent variables were tension, depression, anger, vigor, fatigue, confusion and TMD (total mood disturbance). Results: The results of this study indicated that the task orientation group had a significantly lower score than the ego orientation group in tension, depression, anger, fatigue, confusion and TMD. Furthermore, significantly higher scores in vigor were shown with the task orientation group compared to the ego orientation group. Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that the task orientation group showed that alleviated the negative emotion than the ego orientation group and affected the female middle school soccer player’s negative emotional tendencies after acute overtraining. And the task orientation had a positive influence on the female middle school soccer player’s mood in acute overtraining as results were discussed based on previous literature and theory.
The Structural Modeling among Ego-Identity, Sport Confidence and Rational Career Decision-Making of High School Baseball Players 고교야구선수의 자아정체감, 스포츠자신감, 합리적 진로의사결정의 구조모형
김현태HyunTaeKim , 김지태JiTaeKim , 김은성EunSungKim
54(1) 187-199, 2015
The Structural Modeling among Ego-Identity, Sport Confidence and Rational Career Decision-Making of High School Baseball Players 고교야구선수의 자아정체감, 스포츠자신감, 합리적 진로의사결정의 구조모형
김현태HyunTaeKim , 김지태JiTaeKim , 김은성EunSungKim
The ultimate goal of this study was to strengthen capability to actively cope with the problem of social adjustment high school baseball players experience when they decide in the future to retire as baseball players or choose another career. Participants were selected from high school baseball players and then data of 282 players were analyzed by using cluster sampling method. For data processing, Amos 20.0 programs were used(α=.05). Specifically, measurement and structure model were verified in order to verify the research hypotheses. Conclusion of the research is as follows: First, sport confidence improves when confidence of one’s future of high school baseball players is high. Second, rational career decision-making improves when confidence of one’s future is high. Third, when sport confidence is high, rational career decision-making improves. The present study provided basic data for a career theory that would reflect the importance of ego-identity of high school sports players.
Key Words
high school baseball players, ego-identity, sport confidence, rational career decision-making
Changes in the patterns of procedural motor memory consolidation while Learning a serial reaction time task 연속 탭핑 반응 과제 학습 시 연습 정도에 따른 절차적 운동 기억 공고화의 변화에 관한 연구
윤영진YoungJinYun , 이지항JiHangLee , 이경현KyoungHyunLee
54(1) 201-210, 2015
Changes in the patterns of procedural motor memory consolidation while Learning a serial reaction time task 연속 탭핑 반응 과제 학습 시 연습 정도에 따른 절차적 운동 기억 공고화의 변화에 관한 연구
윤영진YoungJinYun , 이지항JiHangLee , 이경현KyoungHyunLee
The purpose of this study was to identify the temporal characteristics of consolidation during motor skill learning. Five groups of subjects practiced varying amount(1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 blocks) of finger tapping sequence tasks and the mean response time to complete a sequence was compared. Changes of performance during the first day acquisition period, following 12 hour retention with overnight sleep, and, finally, 5th day delayed retention were analyzed with 2-way(5×4) RG·RM ANOVA and Multivariate analysis. The results showed that the first, among tests with practice levels had main effect and interaction effect. Second, motor skill learning rates between first practice and last practice was significantly different but the others. The key finding of this study was the significantly higher amount of off-line improvement observed from the participants with less amount of practice, and this suggests that the motor memory consolidation may takes place when the acquired skill is not yet firmly nestled in the CNS.
Key Words
motor Learning, retention, memory, consolidation, off-Line improvement
The Influence of Coach-Athlete Relationship Maintenance Basic Psychological Needs and Exercise Stress by High School Taekwondo Athletes 고등학교 태권도선수의 지각된 코치-선수 관계유지가 기본심리 욕구 및 운동스트레스에 미치는 영향
The Influence of Coach-Athlete Relationship Maintenance Basic Psychological Needs and Exercise Stress by High School Taekwondo Athletes 고등학교 태권도선수의 지각된 코치-선수 관계유지가 기본심리 욕구 및 운동스트레스에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of the coach-athlete relationship Maintenance on Basic Psychological Needs and Exercise Stress by High School Taekwondo Athletes. A total of 450 surveys are conducted with high school Student Athletes registered with the Korea Taekwondo Association, and 434 valid samples are analyzed. SPSS 21.0 is used for frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis: EFA, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results show that the coach-athlete relationship Maintenance perceived by high school taekwondo Athletes has a negative influence on Basic Psychological Needs by High School Taekwondo Athletes. a positive influence on Exercise Stress and Basic Psychological Needs was revealed to be a variable negatively predicting Exercise Stress. The findings described above were summarized and the direction of future research were discussed.
A Study on Developmental Plan of Police Martial Arts Education and Training System 신임경찰 무도교육훈련 제도의 발전방안에 관한 연구
54(1) 227-237, 2015
A Study on Developmental Plan of Police Martial Arts Education and Training System 신임경찰 무도교육훈련 제도의 발전방안에 관한 연구
This paper presents the results of a new review for martial arts curriculum in the central police academy. First, it is necessary to endow police trainees who with course choice options in order to prevent the concentration of a particular subject in the martial arts curriculum which allocated to the Judo, taekwondo, kendo, hapgido. Second, duration of a new police academy is eight months. However, if the training period be changed to 4 months, then the shorter training-period will weaken the effects of martial arts training. Martial arts training should be further strengthened in order to overcome them. Third, they should improve martial arts skills through extensive training in addition to add a sudden accidentality and diversity as well as vigor for criminal arrested at the scene of the crime and judo and taekwondo and kendo and etc. Fourth, the training should be progressed in considering proper education fits into facilities and appropriate educational personnel. And finally it require to select martial arts special bond agents in order to overcome the discontent that there is no front-line police who can respond to the case of violent crimes. Especially there should be study of the method of using the grade-holder who finished all the required martial arts courses at graduates of all of universities in Korea.
Key Words
martial arts, central police academy, martial arts education exercise
Exploring a Change of Units of Physical Activities in Universities: through the Comparison in Korea and England 한국과 영국 비교를 통한 대학 체육교육과 실기 강좌 발전 방향 탐색
54(1) 239-253, 2015
Exploring a Change of Units of Physical Activities in Universities: through the Comparison in Korea and England 한국과 영국 비교를 통한 대학 체육교육과 실기 강좌 발전 방향 탐색
The purpose of this study is to examine the direction of development of units of physical activities in Korea through the comparison of units in Physical Education teacher education (PETE) programs in Korea and England. Grounded theory was used to analyze documents resources and interviews. I generally found marginalization of units of physical activities in England and Korea. The amounts of hours in physical activities in both PETE courses reduced. The reduction happened from 1970 to 1990 in England and from 1990 to 2010 in Korea. Teaching methods of physical activities in units of physical activities in both courses gradually stressed than teaching skills and techniques of physical activities. Student teachers learnt physical activities to introductory levels in units of physical activities. To overcome this problem, PETE course in K University changed the structure of units of physical activities in 2009. Students in Korea and England tried to keep their physicality through various outside activities. I propose to invent units of physical activity integrating skills, teaching, and educational models.
Key Words
PETE, physical activities, teacher knowledge, case study
Exploring the Characterizations and Needs of After-School Physical Activities for Designing Life Skill Development Programs 방과후학교 체육활동의 운영특성 및 요구분석을 통한 라이프 스킬 개발 프로그램의 방향 탐색
54(1) 255-270, 2015
Exploring the Characterizations and Needs of After-School Physical Activities for Designing Life Skill Development Programs 방과후학교 체육활동의 운영특성 및 요구분석을 통한 라이프 스킬 개발 프로그램의 방향 탐색
The purpose of this study was to explore directions of life skills development programs in after-school physical activity settings through the analysis of the current status of after-school physical activity programs and the needs of students, teachers, instructors, and parents. In-depth interviews were conducted with 5 teachers who coordinated after-school programs, 10 physical activity instructors, and 20 students. In addition, open-ended questionnaires were administered with 20 instructors, 40 parents, and 40 students. The characterizations of after-school physical activity programs were categorized as implementation system, foci, limitations, and effects. Although there were established procedures for ensuring the accountability, there should be more detailed program evaluation to enhance the quality of program implementation. The foci of the after-school programs were centered on child care, providing active leisure, improving skills and fitness, and character development. Despite some limitations such as lack of available programs and facilities, the stakeholders recommended that after-school physical activity programs should focus on developing playing skills, connecting skills, coping skills, and thriving skills to maximize potential of physical activities for life skill development.
Key Words
after-school, physical activity program, Life skills
The Analysis of Differences between Importance and Satisfaction of Camping Equipment Consumption Value Attributes using the IPA Method IPA기법을 활용한 캠핑용품 소비가치속성에 관한 중요도와 만족도 차이분석
김한수HanSooKim , 조광민KwangMinCho , 권일권IlKwonKwon
54(1) 271-283, 2015
The Analysis of Differences between Importance and Satisfaction of Camping Equipment Consumption Value Attributes using the IPA Method IPA기법을 활용한 캠핑용품 소비가치속성에 관한 중요도와 만족도 차이분석
김한수HanSooKim , 조광민KwangMinCho , 권일권IlKwonKwon
The purpose of this study was to verify the importance and satisfaction of camping equipment consumption value attributes for positioning effective strategies using the Importance-Performance Analysis. The participants of this study consisted of 350 consumers who have bought camping equipment, and selected from 2 camping sites in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do. Total 338 data were collected in this study except data which did not respond or trustlessly responded. The results were as follows. First, consumers purchase camping equipment at camping store(33.7%) and camping online mall(33.1%). Second, consumers obtain information about camping equipment from club(36.1%) and camping site(15.9%). Third, when consumers purchase camping equipment, the most consideration was function(34.9%) and design(23.1%). Fourth, Ⅰquadrant was safety & durability, quality, comfortable, happiness, entertaining, and new style. Next, Ⅱ quadrant was the maintenance, transportability, economical, value for money, unique design and revealing personality. Meanwhile, Ⅲ quadrant was similarity, social acknowledgement, frequently remarked, people’s attention, status & dignity, popular style, popular brand. Finally, Ⅳ quadrant was harmony, relatively price, reaction of surrounding.
Key Words
Importance and satisfaction, camping equipment, consumption value attributes, IPA
Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to College Basketball Spectatorship: The Interaction Effects of Team Identification and Past Behavior 대학생의 대학 농구 리그 관람의도에 대한 계획 행동 이론의 적용: 팀 동일시와 과거행동의 상호작용을 중심으로
양성진SungJinYang , 원도연DoYeonWon , 곽민석MinSeokKwag
54(1) 285-301, 2015
Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to College Basketball Spectatorship: The Interaction Effects of Team Identification and Past Behavior 대학생의 대학 농구 리그 관람의도에 대한 계획 행동 이론의 적용: 팀 동일시와 과거행동의 상호작용을 중심으로
양성진SungJinYang , 원도연DoYeonWon , 곽민석MinSeokKwag
This research utilized a revised theory of planned behavior (TPB) model, which incorporated team identification and past behavior―and the interaction between these constructs―in order to investigate spectator behavior in to the context of college basketball. Respondents completed items that measure attitudes, perceived behavior control, subjective norm, team-identification, past behavior, and intentions. Data were drawn from 213 college students and were analyzed using descriptive analysis, reliability test, confirmatory factor analysis, correlational analysis, hierarchical multiple regression analysis, and moderated regression analysis via SPSS and AMOS. The results are as follows: Firstly, all predictors of TPB were positively related to intentions. Secondly, team-identification and past behavior explained additional variance of the model as independent variables. Finally, team-identification had a stronger influence on intentions at low, rather than high, levels of past behavior.
Key Words
the theory of planned behavior, college basketball, team identification, past behavior, interaction effect
A Legal Approach on the Illegal Personal Information Collection Actions of Sport Organization against Its Members 프로 스포츠 조직의 선수에 대한 불법 개인 정보 수집 활동에 대한 법률적 접근
정태린TaeRinChung , 조광민KwangMinCho
54(1) 303-313, 2015
A Legal Approach on the Illegal Personal Information Collection Actions of Sport Organization against Its Members 프로 스포츠 조직의 선수에 대한 불법 개인 정보 수집 활동에 대한 법률적 접근
정태린TaeRinChung , 조광민KwangMinCho
The purpose of this study is to micro-analyze a privacy invasion case of a professional baseball team against its athletes in Korea in the view of Korean Constitution, Privacy Protection Act, Criminal Law and Civil Law firstly and to propose the solutions for recurrence prevention as second. The professional sport organizations in Korea have increased quantitatively. However, the internal stability of the increasement, many problems are discovered. It is because the awareness of organizations failed to grow up with the quantity increasement. The illegal inspection case of O professional baseball team is a great example which the treatment its athletes is still leaving at an outdated view. Based on these theoretical backgrounds, three results were deducted. First, the athletes as victim have a claim rights for the damages for illegal inspection. Second, the hotels do not have any rights for liabilities of legal actions. Third, the athletes as victim have a claim rights for damages for torts. Several suggestions were proposed end of the research.
Key Words
Privacy protection act, personal information, CCTV, Professional sports organization
Evaluating service quality of Korean equestrian clubs using a revised IPA 수정 IPA(Revised Importance-Performance Analysis)를 활용한 한국 승마장 서비스품질 평가
윤여경YeoKyungYun , 원도연DoYeonWon , 곽민석MinSeokKwag
54(1) 315-326, 2015
Evaluating service quality of Korean equestrian clubs using a revised IPA 수정 IPA(Revised Importance-Performance Analysis)를 활용한 한국 승마장 서비스품질 평가
윤여경YeoKyungYun , 원도연DoYeonWon , 곽민석MinSeokKwag
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the service quality of Korean equestrian clubs using a revised importance-performance analysis(revised IPA). Among the customers of equestrian clubs, the sample was selected from the participants of 2014 National Horse-riding Campaign supported by the Korea Racing Authority(KRA). Data were collected from June to July, 2014 from the 11 conveniently selected equestrian clubs located in various regions. The first survey asking importance were done before the program had begun, and the second survey asking performance were conducted to the same customers after their 10 times of riding experiences. Data from 225 respondents were used for the further analysis. With the implicit importance(X) derived from partial correlation analysis between performance and overall satisfaction and the performance(Y), a revised IPA matrix comprised of 4 quadrants was drawn. QⅠ(keep up the good work) includes safety of equipment, having first-aid medicine, programs fit to student level, size of the class, accuracy of tasks, readiness of medical personnel, easy to find, character of horses, size of the club, and number of track(field). QⅡ(possible overkill) includes having an insurance, differentiated programs, level of programs, quickness of tasks, kindness, convenience of public transportation, convenience of a parking lot, trained level of horses, and the condition of track(field). QⅢ(low priority) includes distance to the club, type of horse, variety of recreation facilities, convenience of locker room, convenience of equipment rental facility, and riding expense. QⅣ(concentrate here) includes prevention of epidemics, having safety facilities, and equipment rental expense.
Key Words
equestrian club, service quality, revised IPA
The Fit between ODA Programs of Ministry of Culture Sport and Tourism and Millenium Development Goals of United Nations 문화체육관광부의 스포츠 공적개발원조(ODA)사업과 새천년 개발목표와의 부합성
김은혜EunHyeKim , 권형일HyungIlKwon
54(1) 327-334, 2015
The Fit between ODA Programs of Ministry of Culture Sport and Tourism and Millenium Development Goals of United Nations 문화체육관광부의 스포츠 공적개발원조(ODA)사업과 새천년 개발목표와의 부합성
김은혜EunHyeKim , 권형일HyungIlKwon
International development Assistance has been more systematically implemented since United Nations announced Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2000. Accordingly, many Official Development Assistance (ODA) programs in the Republic of Korea have been trying to satisfy those eight MDGs. However, sport ODA programs implemented by the Ministry of Culture, Sport, and Tourism (MCST) has failed to structure their sport ODA programs according to those eight MDGs. Thus, the objective of the study is two-fold. First, this study analyzed sport ODA programs that have been implemented by the MCST and see if the programs were designed to satisfy the 8 MDGs. The second is to suggest future sport ODA programs that can effectively satisfy MDGs in the context of sport and physical education. Currently, MCST is implementing two categories of sport ODA, which are Dream Together Program and Sport Partners Program. However, those two programs were not able to satisfy any of the 8 MDGs. Out of the 8 MDGs, universal primary education might be the most relevant objective when it pertains to sport and physical education. Thus, for future sport ODA, the Republic of Korea needs to come up with sport ODA programs that can promote youth sport and physical education for the developing countries. This will help Korea obtain a better peer evaluation from other Development Assistant Committee countries.
Key Words
Official Development Assistance (ODA), Millenium Development Goals (MDGs), Youth sports
New Business Model Development Based on Social Value Creation for Korea Racing Authority 한국마사회의 사회적 가치를 고려한 신규 수익 창출 방안
This paper proposed how Korea Racing Authority (KRA) can increase their profit and social value for the purpose of solving the problem of decreasing revenue and the negative cognition about gambling. First, this paper presented the current situation of KRA, especially horse racing industry, social value and core competencies of KRA. And the case study of racing industry of 6 countries, including Japan, Singapore, Hongkong, America, Australia and England, was conducted to figure out the strength points for benchmarking. The successful cases had several points in common such as differentiated marketing, importance of food and beverage service, various events and festival, promotion for positive image of racecourses and active MICE industry. In conclusion, this paper suggested that KRA should increase revenue from food and beverage service and the number of visitors by creating a theme park which promote positive image for racecourses. KRA also can create both extra revenue and social value by improving MICE industry and undertaking government business.
Key Words
Korea Racing Authority, KRA, horse racing industry, racecourses
The relationship between involvement, subjective happiness, sporting commitment and action after participation of tennis club members 테니스 동호인들의 관여도, 주관적 행복감, 스포츠 몰입, 참가 후 행동의 관계
54(1) 353-363, 2015
The relationship between involvement, subjective happiness, sporting commitment and action after participation of tennis club members 테니스 동호인들의 관여도, 주관적 행복감, 스포츠 몰입, 참가 후 행동의 관계
The objective of this study is to identify the relationship between involvement, subjective happiness, sporting commitment and action after participation of tennis club members. The subjects of this study include adults aged over 20 years old who exercised for over 3 months in 2014 at ten fitness centers located in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do or Incheon and random sampling of data from subjects at their convenient time and place known as the convenience sampling method was used to analyze a total of 561 surveys. The collected data was statistically processed using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. In order to verify the reliability of the survey questionnaires, Cronbach's a value was calculated and to obtain knowledge of personality traits we implemented frequency analysis. Prior to verifying the hypothesis, the average and standard deviation of measurement variables were calculated and correlation analysis of the measurement variables was carried out. To verify the relationship model between involvement, subjective happiness, sporting commitment and action after participation, a structural equating model analysis was performed. The results of the analysis can be summarized as the following. Firstly, a positive effect of degree of involvement on subjective happiness was found. Secondly, the degree of involvement had influence on sporting commitment. Thirdly, subjective happiness influenced action after participation. Finally, sporting commitment was shown to influence action after participation.
Key Words
involvement, subjective happiness, sporting commitment, action after participation, tennis club
The Research on Training System of Japan’s official Coach Qualification 일본의 공인스포츠지도자 양성제도에 관한 연구
This study focuses on the development, types of qualification program of the Coach Qualification system in Japan. Japan’s official coach qualification system is divided by 5 sectors in terms of the specialty of the leader and more specifically, there are 15 small sectors. The sports instruction coach, built by upper level and the lower level, makes a close connection with the individual federation and educate the people by providing the differentiated program. It is obligatory to receive at least one time of re-educating seminar within the 4 years of valid date. For the thorough education of the violation on sports, corporal punishment and sexual violence we established a new subject, the Sports Law. Fourth of all, for the expansion, the improvement of the skills and the increasing of the social status of the qualification people, the federation decided to make them to be the official referee at the national athletes meeting. In order to make the Korea’s new qualification license system better and more efficient, it is time to make the level of the system subdivided and to make develop a program which focuses more on the outfield and lastly, to make a progress on the re-educating system.
Key Words
Japan Sports Association, Coach Qualification, Sports Leaders, Sports Policy
A Study on Correlation between Teenagers’ Leisure Experience, Leisure Identity, and Leisure Satisfaction 여가활동을 통한 청소년들의 여가경험, 여가정체성, 여가만족관계 규명 연구
54(1) 375-388, 2015
A Study on Correlation between Teenagers’ Leisure Experience, Leisure Identity, and Leisure Satisfaction 여가활동을 통한 청소년들의 여가경험, 여가정체성, 여가만족관계 규명 연구
The purpose of this study is to examine correlation between teenagers’ leisure experience, leisure identity, and leisure satisfaction. To attain the goal, a survey was conducted to 589 students of middle and high schools located in Seoul and Gyeonggi. The data collected went through descriptive statistical analysis by using SPSS Ver. 18.0 and also confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model analysis by using AMOS 18. This study are as follows: first, leisure experience factors, stimulation-pursuing and relaxation-pursuing factors, both exerted significant effects on leisure identity, that is, identification, esteem, and emotional attachment. Second, leisure experience factors, stimulation-pursuing and relaxation-pursuing factors, both indicated significant effects on leisure satisfaction, that is, physiological, environmental, relaxational, and educational satisfaction. Lastly, in correlation between leisure identity and leisure satisfaction, among the factors of leisure identity, only emotional satisfaction showed negative effects on relaxational satisfaction and esteem on educational satisfaction.
Key Words
Teenagers’ Leisure activity, Leisure experience, Leisure Identity, and Leisure satisfaction
Inductive Contents Analysis on Participation Motivation and Fun for Darts Community Members 다트 동호회 회원들의 참여동기 및 재미요인에 대한 귀납적 내용분석
안찬우ChanWooAhn , 김재운ChaeWoonKim
54(1) 389-400, 2015
Inductive Contents Analysis on Participation Motivation and Fun for Darts Community Members 다트 동호회 회원들의 참여동기 및 재미요인에 대한 귀납적 내용분석
안찬우ChanWooAhn , 김재운ChaeWoonKim
The purpose of this study was examine motives for participation among darts community members through inductive content analysis process. The participant were 182 male and female darts community members who participated in the 2014 phoenix summer darts festival. The darts community members were individual contact and we asked open-ended question to describe the participants’ two reasons for darts community members. Inductive content analysis includes open coding, creating categories and abstraction. Based on this process, two researchers organized 320(participation motivation factor), 341(fun factor) open-ended raw data into increasingly more meaningful themes and categories representing participation motivation and fun factor. First, Four major motivation of participation emerged from the inductive content analysis on raw data were inducement of social motivation(30.8%), psychological motivation(37.6%), environmental motivation(12.8%) and sensation seeking motivation(18.8%). Second, Four major factor of fun emerged from the inductive content analysis on raw data were inducement of friendship(13.2%), personal achievement(20.6%), psychological energy(31.4%) and darts game characteristic(34.8%).
Key Words
inductive contents analysis, participation motivation, fun factor, darts community members
The Effects of Enjoyment in Dance Sport on Leisure Engagement 댄스스포츠의 재미요인이 여가열의에 미치는 영향
이혜희HyeHeeLee , 김영재YoungJaeKim
54(1) 401-412, 2015
The Effects of Enjoyment in Dance Sport on Leisure Engagement 댄스스포츠의 재미요인이 여가열의에 미치는 영향
이혜희HyeHeeLee , 김영재YoungJaeKim
This study aims to explore the constructs of enjoyment and leisure engagement in dance sport participants and to determine the extent to which enjoyment in dance sport is associated with leisure engagement. The results of this study are significant in that they provide dance sport participants and instructors with useful information about the effects of participation in dance sport and guidance. First, when multiple regression analysis was performed with interest, sociability, health, and recognition, which were sub-factors of enjoyment reported by dance sport participants, as independent variables and the total score in leisure engagement as a dependent variable, sociability was found to have the strongest impact on the entire leisure engagement, followed by recognition and interest. Second, as for the effects of such sub-factors of enjoyment reported by dance sport participants as interest, sociability, health, and recognition on self-efficacy, which was a sub-factor of leisure engagement, sociability had the strongest impact on self-efficacy, followed by interest and health; as for their effects on vigor among the sub-factors of leisure engagement, sociability had the strongest impact on vigor, followed by interest and health. As for the effects on dedication, which was a sub-factor of leisure engagement, sociability had the strongest impact on dedication, followed by recognition, health, and interest; as for the effects on absorption among the sub-factors of leisure engagement, sociability had the strongest impact on absorption, followed by recognition.
The Relationship among Education Services, Value and Re-participation of Teaching Artist in Community Dance Program 커뮤니티댄스 예술강사의 교육서비스 질과 가치, 재참여의도의 관계
주형철HyungChulJoo , 김지영JiYoungKim
54(1) 413-426, 2015
The Relationship among Education Services, Value and Re-participation of Teaching Artist in Community Dance Program 커뮤니티댄스 예술강사의 교육서비스 질과 가치, 재참여의도의 관계
주형철HyungChulJoo , 김지영JiYoungKim
This study was aimed to use community dance program participants’ in order to understand structural causality of quality of human services on service value and re-participation. The model was tested using SPSS 16.0 and AMOS 16.0 based on a sample of 332 surveys. Also confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model were executed by using AMOS 16.0. And finally to test a mediating effect, Baron & Kenny’s(1986) procedure was conducted. The result of this study was as follows: First, quality of human services(tangibles, reliability, empathy) had significant effect on re-participation. Second, quality of human services(tangibles, reliability, empathy) had significant effect on service value. Third, service value had significant effect on re-participation. Forth, service value had mediation effects between quality of human services(tangibles, reliability, empathy) and re-participation. In other words, community dance program leader’s human service quality is the factors that positively impact on service value and re-participation. Therefore, teaching artist of community dance should strengthen training of human service individually. And to enhance the value of community dance program service, leader should provided multi-dimensional human service quality.
Key Words
community dance program, human services, service value, re-participation
SWOT Matrix Analysis for Baseball Developed as an Industrial Cluster 산업으로서의 야구발전을 위한 SWOT Matrix 전략 분석
구수용SooYongKoo , 윤양진YangJinYoon
54(1) 427-439, 2015
SWOT Matrix Analysis for Baseball Developed as an Industrial Cluster 산업으로서의 야구발전을 위한 SWOT Matrix 전략 분석
구수용SooYongKoo , 윤양진YangJinYoon
This study aims to analyze environment and conditions for creating the foundation of baseball industry cluster with SWOT Matrix strategy analysis for baseball related industry. For this purpose, this study selected, as population, professional groups who engage in baseball related and sports industries as of 2013, analyzed data with 20 professionals using purposeful sampling out of non-probability sampling SWOT Matrix strategy analysis. Strengths are found to be activation of professional baseball which is the most popular in professional sports, Weaknesses are found to be lack of awareness on baseball related industries among Korea Baseball Organization, Korea Baseball Association, Opportunity is found to be high technology of mass media including internet and baseball broadcasting relay technology, Thread is found to be lack of social awareness and understanding that baseball industry. SO(Strength/opportunity) strategy for creation of foundation for baseball industry cluster industry by changing baseball market to accelerated competition structure due to construction of the 10th club professional baseball system, ST(Strength/threat) strategy is found to be support of research fund for professional baseball club, self-governing bodies and government for development of new technology and products, WO(Weakness/opportunity) strategy is found to require connection with tourist industry fusion and mixing, WT(Weakness/threat) strategy is found to require policy that can present model for creating profits of region.
Key Words
SWOT Matrix Strategy, Baseball Industry, Industry Cluster
Neuro-cognitive effect of postnatal treadmill exercise via mTOR signaling in rat with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders 태아 알코올 범주성 장애 쥐에서 생후 달리기 운동의 mTOR 신호전달체계 조절을 통한 신경인지 효과
Neuro-cognitive effect of postnatal treadmill exercise via mTOR signaling in rat with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders 태아 알코올 범주성 장애 쥐에서 생후 달리기 운동의 mTOR 신호전달체계 조절을 통한 신경인지 효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of treadmill exercise on hippocampal mTOR signaling related factors and cognitive function in rat pup with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. The rat pups were then divided into three groups: the control group, the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder group, the fetal alcohol spectrum disorder group with treadmill exercise group. Treadmill exercise was started at postnatal day 22 after birth for 28 consecutive days (4wks). For this study, PI3K, AKt, AMPK, PI13K-mTOR in hippocampus region and moris-water maze test were conducted. Through statistical analysis on one way and two way repeated measures ANOVA. The results are belows; mTOR related factors was significantly decreased following fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in rat pups and then treadmill exercise increased fetal alcohol spectrum disorder-induced suppresses in hippocampal region. The spatial memory was decreased by fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and that short-term treadmill exercise improved fetal alcohol spectrum disorder-induced impairment of spatial memory. Here, we show that treadmill exercise may provide therapeutic value for the treatment of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Key Words
Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, Treadmill exercise, PI13K, AKt, AMPK, PI13K-mTOR, p70S6K, Water maze test
The Central Governor Theory of Maximal Exercise Performance Regulation: Review Article 최대운동능력과 뇌 과학의 관계 고찰: ‘Central Governor Theory’
한정규JoungKyueHan , 박승보SeungBoPark
54(1) 453-473, 2015
The Central Governor Theory of Maximal Exercise Performance Regulation: Review Article 최대운동능력과 뇌 과학의 관계 고찰: ‘Central Governor Theory’
한정규JoungKyueHan , 박승보SeungBoPark
The purpose of this study is to provide basic data for the improvement of exercise performance and to expand the field of brain research in Korea by reviewing the relationship between maximal exercise performance and the brain. In 1923, Archibald Vivian Hill, a muscle physiologist, reported that muscle fatigue during exercise was determined by “peripheral fatigue” caused by biological changes and that the central nervous system could not directly cause fatigue. He also reported that the maximum capacity of the heart at the end of exercise was a pivotal factor in causing muscle fatigue. However, with the introduction of the ‘Central Governor Theory’ by Timothy David Noakes in 1997, the theory that maximal exercise performance was controlled by the brain was systematically established. According to the Central Governor Theory, the central nerves of the brain voluntarily suspend the continuation of maximal exercise performance in order to maintain homeostasis. however, because this mechanism involves overcompensation by the brain to protect the body, it prevents demonstration of the potential to sustain maximal exercise performance. Therefore, we propose that if domestic athletes and people can fully understand and manage this phenomenon while exercising in the field, it can play an effective role in maximizing exercise performance during training or competition. Moreover, we need continued studies for establishing new protocols to increase the accuracy of maximum oxygen uptake measurement methods.
Key Words
Central Governor Theory, Maximal Exercise Test Protocols, Central Nervous System, Fatigue
Effects of participation in exercise program from health care center on fatness and hypertension: Effectiveness analysis according to participation period 국민건강증진센터 운동 프로그램 참여가 참가자의 비만도와 혈압에 미치는 영향: 참여기간에 따른 효과분석
Effects of participation in exercise program from health care center on fatness and hypertension: Effectiveness analysis according to participation period 국민건강증진센터 운동 프로그램 참여가 참가자의 비만도와 혈압에 미치는 영향: 참여기간에 따른 효과분석
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of participation in exercise program from Health Promotion Center on body composition and blood pressure among ordinary people and the effectiveness following exercise program participation period. A total of 4,972 who participated in health promotion center’s exercise program were included in the study. All participants were given customized exercise program. The incidence rate of hypertension showed 37% higher in 23≤body mass index <25 group than body mass index <23 group, and 25≤ body mass index group showed 94 % of higher risk than body mass index<23 group. BMI level and blood pressure level were significantly decreased in 3 and 6 months exercise intervention group. Sit-up, one leg balance, sit and reach level were increased after exercise intervention in both two group. And the hypertension was decreased 12.7% and 18.9% respectively in 3 and 6 months intervention group. This study proved that participating in customized exercise program from health care center reduces hypertension and also improves body composition and physical fitness level.
Key Words
hypertension, body mass index, fitness, exercise
Age-related changes on body composition, functional fitness and arterial compliance in elderly women 연령에 따른 고령여성의 신체구성, 기능체력 및 혈관탄성의 차이
The aim of this study was to examine the age-related differences on body composition, functional fitness and arterial stiffness in elderly women. 107 elderly women aged over 65 years old (65-69yrs; n=23, 70-74yrs; n=25, 75-79yrs; n=34, 80≤; n=25) participated in this study. Height and weight were measured. Body composition was assessed by BIA method. Bone mineral density was measured with right calcaneus by Sahara(Sahara 3.0, Holigic, USA). Six functional physical fitness tests were measured by SFT(senior fitness test). Vascular compliance was analyzed by VP-1000(Colin, Co., Japan). One-way ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation analysis were applied. There were significant differences on fat free mass(p<.01), total body water(p<.01), percent body fat(p<.05), and bone mineral density(p<.01) by age group. Significant differences were found for upper body flexibility(p<.01), grip strength(p<.0001), lower body strength(p<.0001), upper body strength(p<.0001), agility/dynamic balance(p<.0001), aerobic endurance(p<.0001), RbaPWV(p<.05), and LbaPWV(p<.05) between age groups. PWV was negatively related with fat free mass(p<.01), total body water(p<.01), lower body strength(p<.01), upper body strength(p<.01), aerobic endurance(p<.01). However, a positive relationship between PWV and agility/dynamic balance(p<.01) was found in elderly women. In conclusion, older age group had lower fat-free mass, bone mineral density and some of functional fitness tests compared to young age group. However, a higher PWV was found in older age group. To prevent musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disease in elderly people body composition, functional fitness and arterial compliance should be monitored regularly.
An epidemiological investigation of CrossFit injuries in South Korea 국내 크로스핏 참가자의 상해실태
허용YongHuh , 손준호JoonHoShon , 허준환JoonHwanHeo
54(1) 495-504, 2015
An epidemiological investigation of CrossFit injuries in South Korea 국내 크로스핏 참가자의 상해실태
허용YongHuh , 손준호JoonHoShon , 허준환JoonHwanHeo
The purpose of this study was to examine the injury status of domestic CrossFit participants in South Korea, and to provide information that could be useful in improving the safety of the sport. The subjects were 351 people with membership at any of ten selected CrossFit gyms in South Korea; injury surveys were conducted across 20 days starting on July 20, 2013. The collected data was analyzed through frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, and chi-square; injury rates per 1,000 hours were calculated. The results showed a total of 119 persons were injured a total of 293 times with an injury rate of 4.37. Additionally, persons with higher levels of experience tended to have lower rates of injury. Hand and shoulder injuries predominated and were associated with pull-up, clean-and-jerk, and deadlift exercises. Accordingly, for the safety of CrossFit participants it is recommended that beginners use appropriate equipment to protect the skin of their hands from friction injuries, and that they receive carefully targeted instruction in the proper form for high risk exercises such as the pull-up, clean-and-jerk, and deadlift.
The Effect on Muscle Activation in Trunk and Low-limbs during Squat Exercise on Various Instability Surface 다양한 불안정면에서의 스쿼트 운동이 체간 및 하지 근육 활성도에 미치는 영향
최남영NamYoungChoi , 장희승HeeSeungJang , 신윤아YunAShin
54(1) 505-514, 2015
The Effect on Muscle Activation in Trunk and Low-limbs during Squat Exercise on Various Instability Surface 다양한 불안정면에서의 스쿼트 운동이 체간 및 하지 근육 활성도에 미치는 영향
최남영NamYoungChoi , 장희승HeeSeungJang , 신윤아YunAShin
The purpose of this study was to examine the muscle activation in trunk and low-limbs muscle during squat exercise on various instability surface. 10 subject performed squat with 75% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) on a stable floor, stability blue, stability black and BOSU. Electromyographic (EMG) activity was measured trunk muscle such as rectus abdomina (RA), external obliques (EO), internal obliques (IO), multifidus (MF), and low-limbs muscle such as gluteus maximus (GMA), gluteus medius (GME), biceps femoris (BF), rectus femoris (RF), vastus medialis oblique (VMO), vastus lateral oblique (VLO), medialis gastrocnemius (MG), lateral gastrocnemius (LG), soleus (SOL) and anterior tibia (AT) when ascending and descending squat phase. One-way ANOVA repeated measure with Sheffe used to compare the muscle activity on the stable and unstable surface. Squat with BOSU ball induces higher muscle activity of IO, MF, GMA and GME compared with stability and stability blue and blackduring descending motion. Squat with BOSU ball induces higher muscle activity of GMA compared with stability and stability blue and blackduring ascending motion. This results suggested that BOSU ball in the squat could be effective increasing of trunk stability and gluteal muscle activity. However, there was no difference of squat on low-limb muscle with or without instability.
Comparison of Trunk and Lower Limb Muscle Activities on Kicking Motion in Elite and Non-elite Taekwondo Athletes 태권도 발차기 동작 시 숙련도에 따른 체간과 하지근육의 근 활성도 비교
황시영SiYeongHwang , 신윤아YunAShin , 이준희JoonHeeLee
54(1) 515-525, 2015
Comparison of Trunk and Lower Limb Muscle Activities on Kicking Motion in Elite and Non-elite Taekwondo Athletes 태권도 발차기 동작 시 숙련도에 따른 체간과 하지근육의 근 활성도 비교
황시영SiYeongHwang , 신윤아YunAShin , 이준희JoonHeeLee
The purpose of this study was to compare muscular activities according to the mastery of Taekwondo kicking motions with the subjects of 8 demonstration team members and 8 undergraduates in Taekwondo major at University. The muscles mainly used for Taekwondo’s front kick, tornado kick, or turning hook kick are total 8 trunk muscles and 8 lower limb muscles of the kicking foot as well as the supporting foot. Analyzing the muscular activities of those areas comparatively, the study has reached the following results. At the front kick, non-experts showed higher lower abdominal muscle, biceps thigh muscle activity of the kicking foot and lateral gastrocnemius muscle activity of the supporting foot but lower 2 spinals muscular activity than experts. At the tornado kick (or turning kick), in the turning motion, experts indicated higher activity in biceps muscle of thigh and spinalis than non-experts whereas in the kicking motion, they didn’t show the difference between groups except biceps thigh muscle activity. At the turning hook kick, non-experts indicated higher lateral gastrocnemius muscle activity of the kicking foot and quadricpes femoris muscle activity of supporting foot muscular activity than experts. In summary, experts tend to use their trunk in the turning motion for rapid turning and show rather low muscular activity of their kicking foot. However, non-experts indicate high muscular activity in their kicking foot and supporting foot, which means to maintain balance in the kicking motion, they tend to make use of their lower limb more than trunk muscle, and it leads to an inefficient motion.
Sling Exercise Effects on Sagittal Alignment of Chronic Low Back Pain Patients 슬링운동이 만성요통환자의 시상정렬에 미치는 영향
박승진SeungJinPark , 신정엽JeungYeupShin , 황룡RyongHwang
54(1) 527-534, 2015
Sling Exercise Effects on Sagittal Alignment of Chronic Low Back Pain Patients 슬링운동이 만성요통환자의 시상정렬에 미치는 영향
박승진SeungJinPark , 신정엽JeungYeupShin , 황룡RyongHwang
The study was done to check more effective treatment method by measuring the lumbosacral sagittal alignment after categorizing 46 chronic back pain patients into the general physical therapy group(GPTG; n=22) and the sling exercise therapy group(SETG; n=24) three times a week for 12 weeks. The following conclusion was obtained. As for the change in the groups before and after the general physical therapy and the sling exercise for 12 weeks, visual analogue scale(VAS) was decreased significantly (p<.001) in the general physical therapy and the sling exercise as well. Lumbar lordosis angle(LLA) was increased significantly (p<.001) in the sling exercise group. Pelvic tilt(PT) was decreased significantly (p<.01) in the SETG. Pelvic incidence(PI) was also decreased significantly in the SETG. As for the comparison between the groups on the change before and after the general physical therapy and the sling exercise for 12 weeks, VAS and LLA were significantly high (p<.001) in the SETG compared to the GPTG. LLA was significantly high (p<.01) in the sling exercise group. PT and PI were decreased significantly highly (p<.05) in the sling exercise group compared to the general physical therapy group. Hence, as shown in the previous study Kim, Seon-yeop et al. (2001) stating that regarding the treatment effect of the sling exercise, it can be applied for the various purposes such as mobility treatment and stretching, sensorimotor training, muscular stability exercise, muscle strengthening exercise, muscular endurance exercise, relaxation exercise and so on, the muscular stability and the muscular strengthening effect affected the recovery of sagittal alignment.
Effect of Low-intensity Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Muscle Volume and Strength in Elderly Women 저강도의 저항성 운동 시 혈류제한 적용이 노인여성의 근 비대와 근력 향상에 미치는 영향
여효성HyoSeongYeo , 김효정HyoJeongKim
54(1) 535-544, 2015
Effect of Low-intensity Resistance Training with Blood Flow Restriction on Muscle Volume and Strength in Elderly Women 저강도의 저항성 운동 시 혈류제한 적용이 노인여성의 근 비대와 근력 향상에 미치는 영향
여효성HyoSeongYeo , 김효정HyoJeongKim
This study was performed to determine the effect of low-intensity resistance training with blood flow restriction (BFR) on muscle volume and strength in elderly women. Sixteen elderly women (70.9±4.6 years) were divided into low (30% 1RM) and high (75% 1RM) intense resistance training groups. Tourniquet cuff (Zimmer, Germany) for BFR was applied only to the right leg during the training period. All subjects performed unilateral leg press, leg extension and leg curl (3 sets×12 repetitions) for 10 weeks (2d/wk). Blood pressure was increased from 110 to 240 mmHg during the training period at the most proximal region of exercised leg. Muscle volume and cross-sectional area (CSA) were measured by MRI and body composition was monitored by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and isokinetic muscular strength were analyzed in both legs. The quadriceps CSA (15.2%, p<.001) and muscle volume (13.8%, p<.001) were increased in high-intense trained leg with BFR and the increased rate was highest among groups. The quadriceps CSA (9.8%, p<.001) and muscle volume (6.9%, p<.001) were increased in low-intensity training group with BFR and their increased rates were higher than control groups. The strength by exercise training was significantly improved in all groups and tended to be higher in BFR groups. These results demonstrate low-intensity resistance training with blood flow restriction could be an effective way to improve muscle volume and strength in elderly women.
Effect of Elastic Band Exercise on the Biochemical markers of bone metabolism and Bone mineral density in Spinal Cord Injured 척수손상 환자의 탄성밴드운동이 골대사지표 및 골밀도에 미치는 영향
홍대석DaeSeokHong , 이준희JoonHeeLee , 남혜주HeaJooNam
54(1) 545-552, 2015
Effect of Elastic Band Exercise on the Biochemical markers of bone metabolism and Bone mineral density in Spinal Cord Injured 척수손상 환자의 탄성밴드운동이 골대사지표 및 골밀도에 미치는 영향
홍대석DaeSeokHong , 이준희JoonHeeLee , 남혜주HeaJooNam
The aim of this study was to investigate that strength Training with Theraband in upper body had effects on the Biochemical markers of bone metabolism and Bone mineral density in patients with spinal cord injury(SCI). The subjects were Ten participants spinal cord injured patients all persons of men in this research, who were Outpatients at Clinic C in Incheon and do not exercise regularly. The bone mineral density and biochemical markers of bone metabolism of the femoral neck and the lumbar vertebra measured after filled in a questionnaire and consent form. The biochemical markers of bone metabolism examined DPD, NTx, BALP, ALP, PTH, and Ca. The result of this study is a reduction in bone resorption marker(NTx) and improved growth in Hormone for calcium homeostasis(Ca). Although the concentrations of the bone mineral density(lumber spine, femoral neck) tended to be congested. In conclusion, it can be believed that the strength training with Theraband to positively trend on the bone mineral density decrease in a person with SCI.
Key Words
spinal cord injury, bone mineral density, biochemical markers of bone metabolism, elastic band exercise
Influence of Erythropoiesis Factors, BDNF, Cognitive Function and Working Memory by Intensity Aerobic Exercise in Middle Aged Women 강도별 유산소운동이 중년여성의 적혈구생성인자, BDNF와 인지기능, 작업기억에 미치는 영향
54(1) 553-566, 2015
Influence of Erythropoiesis Factors, BDNF, Cognitive Function and Working Memory by Intensity Aerobic Exercise in Middle Aged Women 강도별 유산소운동이 중년여성의 적혈구생성인자, BDNF와 인지기능, 작업기억에 미치는 영향
This study was performed to identify the effects of different intensities of regular aerobic exercise on erythropoietin (EPO) and BDNF levels, and cognitive function and working memory in middle-aged women. Women aged 40 to 60 years residing in G-gu, Y-si, Gyeonggi-do were divided into 3 groups: control group, moderate-intensity aerobic exercise group and high-intensity aerobic exercise. All groups were asked to exercise at the given intensities, twice a week for a total of 12 weeks. Blood samples were collected from participants on week 0 (before exercising), week 6 and week 12, and then cognitive function and working memory tests were followed to measure erythropoietin (EPO) and BDNF levels, cognitive function and working memory. Repeated measures ANOVA, univariate analysis and follow-up test were performed on all data to compare the group, period and interaction through a SPSS. As a result, a significant difference over time was observed in EPO, BDNF, cognitive function and working memory; therefore, a follow-up one-way ANOVA analysis was performed on each group. As a result of analysis, a significant increase in erythrocyte, hematocrit, BDNF level and working memory was observed in moderate-intensity aerobic exercise group while erythrocyte and working memory were significantly increased inhigh-intensity aerobic exercise group. When comparing the results between the groups, the level of hematocrit was shown to be significantly higher in both moderate-and high-intensity aerobic group than the control group and also the higher level of hemoglobin was observed in both moderate-and high-intensity aerobic group comparing to control group. Considering the results of this study, therefore, a 12-week long aerobic exercise at moderate to high intensity positively affected EPO and BDNF levels, cognitive function and working memory in middle-aged women.
The Comparative Joint Angle and Load Distribution Analysis of Barefoot Walking and Functional Walking Shoes 기능성 구두와 맨발 보행 시 하지 관절 각도 및 부하율 비교 분석
이종훈ChongHoonLee , 남기정KiJeongNam
54(1) 567-575, 2015
The Comparative Joint Angle and Load Distribution Analysis of Barefoot Walking and Functional Walking Shoes 기능성 구두와 맨발 보행 시 하지 관절 각도 및 부하율 비교 분석
이종훈ChongHoonLee , 남기정KiJeongNam
The purpose of the study was to verify the effectiveness of designed functional walking shoes which enhances similar gait patterns as of walking on barefoot. Ten participants who were in their 20s were chosen as subjects. Kinematic analysis and Ground Reaction Force were performed to analyze the joint angle and load distribution variables. Results: Stride length of .3 m longer and .3 m/s faster in stride velocity was observed in functional walking shoes. When walking barefoot significantly larger ankle eversion angle was observed which could increases risk of getting injured. Whereas, functional walking shoes tends to reduce the excessive deformation of eversion thus reducing the risk of getting injured. In addition, load distribution was significantly higher when walking on barefoot. Functional walking shoes reduced the shock exerted by the body which significantly lowered the risk of injury.
Key Words
Functional walking shoes, barefoot, joint angle, load distribution
Comparative Plantar Pressure Distribution Analysis of Alpine and Boardercorss Snowboarders’ Carving Turn 스노보드 알파인 선수와 보드크로스 선수의 카빙 턴 동작 시의 족저압력 분포 비교분석
Comparative Plantar Pressure Distribution Analysis of Alpine and Boardercorss Snowboarders’ Carving Turn 스노보드 알파인 선수와 보드크로스 선수의 카빙 턴 동작 시의 족저압력 분포 비교분석
The aim of the study was to perform scientific and efficient evaluation of snowboard turns and provide quantitative data to the winter sports instructor and snowboarders aiming to improve the performance. Comparative analysis of plantar pressure distribution was conducted on alpine snowboarder and boarder-cross athlete and kinematical analysis was conducted to evaluate the differences. The result obtained are presented below. Maximum pressure value appeared higher in alpine snowboarder than boarder-cross considering the result of difference in technical characteristics in the alpine snowboarding events that involves faster speed as well as demands pressure to cope with the increased velocity. However, the positioning of stance setting in square style along with the feature of boarder-cross decks which are prone to skidding might have resulted in higher value in R3 region. When slipping occurs in a carved turn, it largely effects on the frictional resistance appearing between the board and the snow surface, due to which turn cannot be executed through the desired radius of turn or the radius of side-cut. Thus, in order to reduce slipping and preventing frictional brake, snowboarders should perform pivoting and rotation as well as apply strong edging through angulations which will increase the effectiveness of the turn.
Confirmation regarding Growth and Development of Physique and Motor Fitness, and It’s Gender difference in Preschool Children 유아의 체격ㆍ운동능력의 발육발달과 그 성차에 관한 검증
Confirmation regarding Growth and Development of Physique and Motor Fitness, and It’s Gender difference in Preschool Children 유아의 체격ㆍ운동능력의 발육발달과 그 성차에 관한 검증
There are almost no reported measurements of motor ability in preschool age children on a nationwide scale. In this study, we gave a motor ability test consisting of 6 items (25-m run, standing long jump, ball throw, two-leg consecutive jump, body support time, and ball catching) to 3,533 children aged 3.7 years. We then investigated the growth and development trends in physique and motor ability in these children, and obtained the following findings. In the motor ability test, significant development was seen with age in the 25-m run from the first half of age 3, in the standing long jump, ball throw, two-leg consecutive jump, and ball catching from the first half of age 4, and body support time from the first half of age 5. Gender differences were seen, with boys showing significantly higher values than girls in the 25-m run, standing long jump, ball throw, and ball catching. These findings on the development of motor ability with a large amount of data on a national scale may be considered to provide sufficient basic data for research on the physical growth and development of preschool age children.
Key Words
physique, motor ability, Growth and development, Gender difference
Investigation of sports for all requirement types of People with intellectual Disability: Focused On Q methodology 지적장애인의 생활체육 요구유형 탐색: Q방법론을 중심으로
The purpose of this research is to analyze requirements for sports for all of the intellectually handicapped and their characteristics. Subjects for this study consisted of 33 undergraduate students who belonged to the department of physical education in P University. The Q-population a total of 28 people were selected including 16 handicapped college students from P welfare center and 12 members from the vocational adjustment class. The card used in Q sort was 27 categories of sports for all suggested by the korea Paralympic Committee. The result of Q-sorting were coded and analysed using QUANL pc program. According to the research result, Firstly, the requirement types of sports for all of the intellectually handicapped revealed to be four types(The eigen values of the five types of attitudes are 5.6, 2.3, 1.9, and 1.7): Secondly, the characteristics for each five types were determined to be experiential-value Pursuing type(type 1), interest-value pursuing type(type 2), purpose0orientation pursign type(type 3) and Safety-oriented pursuing type(type 4). Through the characteristics of each of the five types. Such results of the research suggest that the demand of the mentally ills for sports for all can be diverse and there can be a variety of types based on the background factors.
Key Words
Intellectual disability, Sorts for all, Requirement type, Q methodology
The Effects of Isocaloric High-Fat Diet on Mitochondrial Biogenesis of Middle-Aged Rats during Detraining of Endurance Exercise 지구성 운동 중단 시 등열량 고지방식 섭취가 중년 쥐의 골격근 내 미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 김기진KiJinKim
54(1) 611-617, 2015
The Effects of Isocaloric High-Fat Diet on Mitochondrial Biogenesis of Middle-Aged Rats during Detraining of Endurance Exercise 지구성 운동 중단 시 등열량 고지방식 섭취가 중년 쥐의 골격근 내 미토콘드리아 생합성에 미치는 영향
정수련SuRyunJung , 김기진KiJinKim
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of isocaloric high-fat diet on mitochondrial biogenesis of middle-aged rats during detraining of endurance exercise. After 1week-adaptation period. 50 week old male Wister rats were randomly assign for 4 groups (chow, Ex, De-Chow, De-Ex). After exercise training for 4 weeks, Chow and Ex rats were sacrificed, and De-Chow and De-Fat group rats had detraining period for another week with different diet (Chow vs. Isocaloric high-fat diet). Plantaris muscle was used for western blotting to measure mitochondrial protein. Endurance exercise training were significantly (p<.05) increased PGC-1α protein and mitochondria contents, but after 1 week detraining period these effects were disappeared. Especially PGC-1α and mitochondria contents were more decrease when eat high fat diet. Coincidently AMPK activity also decreased when PGC-1α protein fall. Therefore, high fat diet decrease AMPK activity, and this were negatively effect on PGC-1α expression. By this signal pathway, mitochondria contents were decreased and smaller than chow diet.
Differentiation of Risk Factors between Female Collegiate Athletes and non-Athletes with Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating 섭식장애/이상섭식 여자대학운동선수와 일반여자대학생의 특성 및 위험요인
정찬교ChanKyoJeong , 강형숙HyungSookKang
54(1) 619-629, 2015
Differentiation of Risk Factors between Female Collegiate Athletes and non-Athletes with Eating Disorders/Disordered Eating 섭식장애/이상섭식 여자대학운동선수와 일반여자대학생의 특성 및 위험요인
정찬교ChanKyoJeong , 강형숙HyungSookKang
The purpose of this study was to identify the characteristics between athletes and non-athletes with eating disorders (ED)/disordered eating(DE) and to investigate predictors for ED/DE. 376 female collegiate athletes and 567 college women participated in the study. After using subject selection criteria to detect ED/DE, 243 athletes were considered as either ED (n=22) or DE (n=221). In the non-athletes group, 37 cases of ED and 242 cases of DE were detected. Along with the EDEQ and EDI-2, participants completed a demographic questionnaire, SATAQ, and RSES. The results indicated that the mean seperation between the two groups with ED existed in seven variables including BMI perceived, BMI ideal, EDEQ mean, eating scale, weight scale, perfectionism, and self-esteem. In addition, the means of six variables including BMI perceived, BMI ideal, perfectionism, SATAQ score, awareness, and self-esteem were significantly different between the two groups with DE. Significant predictors for ED/DE were drive for thinness and self-esteem in the non athletes while drive for thinness, body dissatisfaction, self-esteem, internalization, and perfectionism were the predictors in the athletes within the ED/DE group. The results suggest that drive for thinness and self-esteem were the essential predictors for ED/DE in the two groups. in the athletes with ED/DE, the predictors were more complicated than those in the non-athletes with ED/DE.